You can verify auction sheet by lot number only if your car buying is 3 months old, after 3 months sales stats not available. When cars are sold on auction houses we kept sale stats free only for 3 months after that sales stats are stored in computer and where only access by chassis number.
Verify Auction Sheet by Lot Number:
In photo below showing sale stats of auction houses and it will be available against your car only for 3 months, after that you have to auction sheet verification japan manually from our database.

After clicking on sales stats filters window appear, we put your provided lot number in below highlighted box and search it. Note** here only show 3 month old buying even if your have 91 days old lot number its not working here. Search by lot number auction sheet verification online is totally free.

If you are looking of auction sheet verification free then this is the only way of free verification by lot number.